Wednesday, February 13, 2013

HAMLET, REVISITED is now available!

I decided to upload Hamlet, Revisited:  A Familiar Tragedy, But In One Act (and in Two Versions) for Kindle Direct Publishing.  It is billed as a "closet drama," and this designation is probably reasonable.  I am not altogether certain how well it might work on stage, but it definitely "reads" well.  The plot twist and iambic pentameter seem to work well, and thus far the one act drama has been well received.

The work can be accessed through the hyperlink below (or via

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Interview with Joshua Bell

Stay Thirsty Publishing has released my interview with violinist/conductor (leader) Joshua Bell, whom I interviewed on January 31st.  It is yet another beautiful layout, with brief excerpts from the forthcoming CD's of Beethoven's 4th and 7th Symphonies and a number of fine photos.  Here's the url: